The macehead of the king Scorpion II

This piriforme macehead  is dated from Nagada IIIB and must be allocated to a second king Scorpion whose symbol is drawn before its representation.It is the oldest of this type found in a deposit of a temple of Hiérakonpolis. In fragments, a third has can be reestablished.  Intact, it had to weigh several kilos. This mace is a royal weapon. On this high 30 cm, its decor is distributed on several registers.
In top, some lapwings are hung to stands. To this time, the lapwings symbolized the inhabitants of the Delta. On another fragment, these are the bows that are hung. The" Nine Bows" always symbolized the universe submitted to the Pharaoh. It is the victory of Upper Egypt on the delta and some foreign countries.The rest shows the Pharaoh holding a hoe, the ring of Upper Egypt on the head and a garment decorated with a bull tail. This scene has been interpreted of different ways: digging of a channel, foundation of the city of Memphis?


Finally, in top on the right of the Pharaoh, one sees two standard bearers: the royal placenta and the Khenti-Amentiu dog.  They are better visible on the drawings made from this mace.(cf. by ex. B. Menu, 2004). Are lacking the two falcons who are present on the head of club of Narmer and on its palette.