The Hall of Barques


Temple map 
1st hypostyle 
2nd hypostyle 
The 7 chapels 
Osiris complex 
Sokar complex 
King lists 
The butcher hall 
Barques hall 
Bull hall 


In the bottom of the Gallery of the Annals, a door gives access to  the Hall of the Barques. On the walls, are either drawn or engraved several boats. A bench runs around the room and it is possible that it served like reposoir of the sacred boats.  On the walls, 9 barques are represented and the names of 7 among them have been preserved. The walls are in disrepair. The decoration of the piece is not finished, some details are just painted and not engraved.

This photo shows the barques hall . A. R. David suggested that the Hall of the Barques was used by the priests as last station following the ritual. It is where the priests shared the offerings.

 You can see the Barques while using the bar of navigation below. The conditions of changing lighting in the piece, some differences exist between the tonalities of the different photos that have been solved for a better visibility.


[Entrance and east wall][Barque of Horus][Barque of Isis][Barque of Osiris][Barque of Amun][Barque of Re][Barque of Ptah]


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