The king list


Mariette 's map 
Chapel O 
King list 
Chapel G 
Chapel H 
Hypostyle B 
Chapels J and K 
Chapel L 
Chapel M 
Chapel D 


On the south part of the portico, the N chapel: It is there that the list of Kings that is now the British Museum was etched. The British Museum fournishes kindly the photo of this list. I show you also  below the reconstruction performed by Mariette

Click here to get the British Museum photo in full screen.

Click here to get the reconstruction of Mariette in full screen

Mariette performed this reconstruction from a drawing of Cailliaud and the list of the temple of Sethy 1. The part that is to the British Museum is the one surrounded with a big black feature, with a complicated shape. So the list consists of four registers: in top, of the right toward the left, the first kings.  

At the 2nd register while leaving from the bottom, from the left, while ascending in the time:  Ramesses II , Sety I  (Menma'atRe) , Ramesses I (Menpehtire), Horemheb (Djoserkheperoure Setepenre), Amenhotep III (Nebma'atre), Thutmosis IV (Menkheperoure),  Amenhotep II (Aakheperoure), Thutmosis III (Menkheperre), Thutmosis II (A'akheperenre), Thutmosis Ier (Aakheperkare), Amenhotep Ier (Djoserkare), Ahmosis (Nebpehtire). In the list are not registered Hatshepsut and the Pharaohs of the so-called Amarna period. One passes then directly to the XII dynasty with Amenemhat IV.

The last register repeats the cartridges of Ramesses II, with his titles.


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